Hey everybody,
I am not going to post any blogs for a while. I need to get my personal life and problems straightened out but I will make another post starting every week, with the first one being an update but for now, I will talk to you all again in the first week after the new year.
I hope you all will keep being my faithful readers and I can't wait to post again later. I want to hear in the comments what everybody's new year's revolutions are. Thank you everyone...again.
Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experience.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
My 5 Top Favorite Music Artists
Hey everyone, I am really sorry I haven't posted in quite a while but I know my readers will stick me me as I continue to post really cool stuff, right? Well, this post isn't any different expect that I have picked my top 5 music artists that I currently listen to all the time now, so I am going to let you know the artists and their favorite songs of mine with pictures so you have more information about me. Let's get started...
Bad Boy
Bae Bae
Bang Bang Bang
Beautiful Hangover
Fantastic Baby
Fxxt it
Bad Boy
Bae Bae
Bang Bang Bang
Beautiful Hangover
Fantastic Baby
Fxxt it
Flower Road
Haru Haru
If You
Haru Haru
If You
Last Dance
Last Farewell
Let's Not Fall In Love
Love Song
Still Alive
Stupid Liar
Sunset Glow
Tell Me Goodbye
We Like 2 Party
Last Farewell
Let's Not Fall In Love
Love Song
Still Alive
Stupid Liar
Sunset Glow
Tell Me Goodbye
We Like 2 Party
We Belong Together
This Love
One Of A Kind
Coup D'Etat
Who You?
That XX
Untitled, 2014
Only Look At Me
I Need A Girl
Wedding Dress
Eyes, Nose, Lips
Ringa Linga
Strong Baby
Let's Talk About Love
Gotta Talk To You
1, 2, 3
Where R U From?
Doom Dada
Turn It Up
Wings (Today)
GD and TOP:
High High
Oh Yeah
Don't Go Home
Baby Goodnight
Knock Out
GD and Taeyang:
Good Boy
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me
American Beauty / American Psycho
Dance, Dance
I Don't Care
Sugar, We're Going Down
This Ain't A Scene, It's A G**D*** Arms Race
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Uma Thurman
.... this is still FOB, but it is exclusively from the album Save Rock and Roll....
The Youngblood Chronicles
The Phoenix
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark ( Light Em Up )
Alone Together
Where Did The Party Go?
Just One Yesterday ft. Foxes
The Mighty Fall ft. Big Sean
Miss Missing You
Death Valley
Young Volcanoes
Rat A Tat ft. Courtney Love
Save Rock and Roll ft. Elton John
Going To Hell
Kill Me
Make Me Wanna Die
Heaven Knows
Just Tonight
My Medicine
Take Me Down
.... don't listen to these songs with kids around.....
Call Me Master
Scream For My Ice Cream
S My D
It's On Like Donkey Kong
I <3 Hello Kitty
P. L. U. R.
Ima Monster
I Write Sins Not Tragedies
The Ballad of Mona Lisa
Thank you guys for reading. I know I posted a lot of song names but you don't have to listen to any of them if you feel offended by what I like. I would just like to know which of my 5 music artists you like the best.
This Love
One Of A Kind
Coup D'Etat
Who You?
That XX
Untitled, 2014
Only Look At Me
I Need A Girl
Wedding Dress
Eyes, Nose, Lips
Ringa Linga
Strong Baby
Let's Talk About Love
Gotta Talk To You
1, 2, 3
Where R U From?
Doom Dada
Turn It Up
Wings (Today)
GD and TOP:
High High
Oh Yeah
Don't Go Home
Baby Goodnight
Knock Out
GD and Taeyang:
Good Boy
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me
American Beauty / American Psycho
Dance, Dance
I Don't Care
Sugar, We're Going Down
This Ain't A Scene, It's A G**D*** Arms Race
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Uma Thurman
.... this is still FOB, but it is exclusively from the album Save Rock and Roll....
The Youngblood Chronicles
The Phoenix
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark ( Light Em Up )
Alone Together
Where Did The Party Go?
Just One Yesterday ft. Foxes
The Mighty Fall ft. Big Sean
Miss Missing You
Death Valley
Young Volcanoes
Rat A Tat ft. Courtney Love
Save Rock and Roll ft. Elton John
Going To Hell
Kill Me
Make Me Wanna Die
Heaven Knows
Just Tonight
My Medicine
Take Me Down
.... don't listen to these songs with kids around.....
Call Me Master
Scream For My Ice Cream
S My D
It's On Like Donkey Kong
I <3 Hello Kitty
P. L. U. R.
Ima Monster
I Write Sins Not Tragedies
The Ballad of Mona Lisa
Thank you guys for reading. I know I posted a lot of song names but you don't have to listen to any of them if you feel offended by what I like. I would just like to know which of my 5 music artists you like the best.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
The Truth
Hey everyone, I am going to tell you a little about what has been going on the last few months concerning my health and weight. I figured you guys would like to know if I am being honest.
As a few of you already know, I used to weigh 237 pounds but now I weigh about 150. I'm not totally sure because I usually go to the doctor every month, but I haven't been in a little over a month, so I could've lost a few pounds. I canceled ketchup and salt from my diet and switched up the brand of mayo that I use.
Also, if I am being totally honest with all of you, I have these conditions; concerning my health and what it may or may not be helping me.
As a few of you already know, I used to weigh 237 pounds but now I weigh about 150. I'm not totally sure because I usually go to the doctor every month, but I haven't been in a little over a month, so I could've lost a few pounds. I canceled ketchup and salt from my diet and switched up the brand of mayo that I use.
Also, if I am being totally honest with all of you, I have these conditions; concerning my health and what it may or may not be helping me.
- Asthma
- Manic Depressive Bipolar
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Iron Deficiency Anemia
I am sure I am forgetting something but my mind right now is kind of crazed. I am also on 13 or 14 different medications but I am currently only taking my iron supplement pill.
If any of you know the song that is the same as my title of this blog post, then we are good because that song pretty much sums up my life now. At least, most of it.
Sorry for the short blog, next week will be better.
Sorry for the short blog, next week will be better.
Thank you all for your friendship everyone.
Saturday, August 11, 2018
I Moved
Let me tell you all about the last month of my life.
I first met my boyfriend online a little over 4 months ago. About 3 months I was talking to my boyfriend about coming to visit him, in Michigan. I stayed here for about 2 weeks when I decided I am going to stay. I personally love the peacefulness and secularity of this town. I don't plan on coming back, at least not for a while.
My mother, my grandmother, my two sisters and even my grandpa's 3rd wife ( I will not ever call her my grandma, she doesn't deserve that title, at least, not from me).
Here are some decisions I have had to make in the past month, and if you are really my friend, you will not judge me and accept that this is the life I have chosen for myself. I have had a really shitty life up until now. Before I even came out here, you all need to understand what my life was back at home. My mother controlled my life, when I needed to put on body spray to when I ate...breakfast, lunch or dinner. She even controlled every aspect of my son's life from when I changed his diaper to when he would eat and how much.
I first met my boyfriend online a little over 4 months ago. About 3 months I was talking to my boyfriend about coming to visit him, in Michigan. I stayed here for about 2 weeks when I decided I am going to stay. I personally love the peacefulness and secularity of this town. I don't plan on coming back, at least not for a while.
My mother, my grandmother, my two sisters and even my grandpa's 3rd wife ( I will not ever call her my grandma, she doesn't deserve that title, at least, not from me).
Here are some decisions I have had to make in the past month, and if you are really my friend, you will not judge me and accept that this is the life I have chosen for myself. I have had a really shitty life up until now. Before I even came out here, you all need to understand what my life was back at home. My mother controlled my life, when I needed to put on body spray to when I ate...breakfast, lunch or dinner. She even controlled every aspect of my son's life from when I changed his diaper to when he would eat and how much.
- I can have any kind of "fun" whenever I want to
- I can have any kind of alcohol whenever I want to, for now, I've only had a bottle of blueberry and a bottle of cherry vodka, 35% proof
and most importantly,
- I put my son Caleb in foster care.
If any of my friends are still my friends after this post, I really appreciate your friendship and thank you. I will try to post again next week, until then.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
45 Life Lessons
Whether life lessons come from Dr. Seuss, Einstein, Maya Angelou, your mom, sister, or best friend, life lessons are what makes us who we are today.
Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
When in doubt, just take the next small step.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
Pay off your credit cards every month.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
Save for retirement, starting with your first paycheck.
When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
It's OK to let your children see you cry.
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
Burn the candles; use the nice sheets; wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion.
Today is special.
Overprepare, then go with the flow.
Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
The most important sex organ is the brain.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
Frame every so-called disaster with these words; "In five years, will this matter?"
Forgive everyone everything.
What other people think of you is none of your business.
Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
Belive in miracles.
Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
Your children only get one childhood. Make it memorable.
Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
The best is yet to come.
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
If you don't ask, you don't get.
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
I read through all of these life lessons before I posted them, and I think that they are very good. Let me know what you think.
Thank you all for reading. Stay tuned for my next blog post. Until next time.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
My 10 Year High School Reunion
Everything in high school seems great until you graduate and you have to face life and reality. We had our HS reunion at Centerville Junior High, while some of us went there together before high school, and then went to Viewmont High School for 3 long years. You make some friends and you lose some.
Let me tell you who I talked to during the two hours of the reunion, a couple of people that came to talk to me and who I didn't get a chance to talk to.
- Marchelle Roskelley - I believe we just said hi to each other and asked how each other were doing.
- Camille Larsen and Nate Larsen - I talked to Camille a little bit and in the beginning, Nate and I had a great chat.
- Braden and Raelena Farmer - I got to meet Braden's wife and daughter and we talked for a little bit. We haven't even seen each other before now for about 7 years.
- Ryan Buchanan - He said hello to me first, and I did not recognize him. I had to ask his wife what his last name was so I could remember. Then Ryan, his wife, their son, and I all had a decent conversation.
- Nick Maybey - He came over to me and talked to me for about 3 or 4 minutes. I am pretty sure that we were both thinking about that awkward and appalling one time kiss in the hallway of the second floor of our high school. At least, that's my opinion of it and him.
- Taylor Davies - He came over to me and we talked for a few minutes. It was a great conversation.
- I didn't get a chance to talk to Landon Peay, Adam McGuire, or Lacey Reeves, among others.
- Jacki Italisano and Matt Italisano - We talked for about 10 minutes before we all left. I hope we stay in contact but again, that's what we said in high school and it's been 10 years.
I really missed seeing Arianne Hellewell, Xochil Cole and Courtney Coleman. I haven't seen any of them in years. I hope we are still friends.
There was a raffle tonight and I was hesitant to put my name in because I know I never win anything, but I actually did win a $10 Starbucks Gift Card.
Also, let me tell you, I am not going to attend the 20 year HS Reunion and sometimes people you think are your friends, are not your true friends. It's just another hard lesson to learn.
Thanks for reading everybody. I hope you enjoyed it. I will be posting another one next week. Until next time my friends.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
To my son, As a Mother, Part 2
Hey everybody, I know I didn't post a blog last week and I am sorry and for that, I am posting one today and another one later this week, so keep your eyes open. This post in particular is for all of the mothers, grandmothers, great - grandmothers who have sons, teenagers, grown children, grandchildren and even great - grandchildren. I found some more great poems about (boys in general) that I love and I want to share them with all of my faithful readers. I hope you enjoy.
On the Night You Were Born
On the night you were born
the moon smiled with such wonder
that the stars peeked in to see you
and the night wind whispered,
"Life will never be the same."
Because there had never been anyone
like you ever in the world.
So enchanted with you
were the wind and the rain that they
whispered the sound of
your wonderful name.
Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn
on the wonderful, marvelous
night you were born.
My home is filled with toys, has
fingerprints on everything and is
never quiet. My hair is usually a mess
and I'm always tired, but there is
always LOVE and LAUGHTER.
In twenty years my children won't
remember the house or my hair, but
they will REMEMBER the time we
spent together and the
LOVE they felt.
-- Unknown
A few things your mom may not have told you
She loves you more than herself.
She has watched you while you were asleep.
Every time you're upset, her heart sinks.
You make her life meaningful.
She would give you her last dollar.
You inspire her and give her hope.
She smiles knowing you are her child.
You could NEVER disappoint her.
She thinks you are one in a million.
You're the best thing that has ever happened to her.
They Grow So Fast
And that phrase seems both so
totally true and so totally false at
the same time, because in the
day-to-day of it nothing seems
fast at all. A meal can take an
eternity. A sleepless night a
lifetime. And yet everyone says so.
And so I want to hold him in my
arms a little longer today, because
already my baby is gone. Already
there is a little boy is his place. And
one day not too far in the future,
there will be an older boy in his
place, and then a teenager, and then
a young man.
Before There Was You
Before there was you, I slept until noon...
I took naps when I wanted and didn't watch cartoons
Before there was you, life was filled with less stress
There were no toys on the floor and the house was not a mess
Before there was you, I was wined and I was dined
I never checked for poop by sniffing a behind
Before there was you, I could go to the mall
Without disapproving looks of shock and appall
Before there was you, I'd primp for an hour
Now, I will go days without taking a shower
Our lives have changed completely, but this much is true
I never knew pure joy, before there was you.
I will continue to hold my child.
I will continue to cuddle my child.
I will come to my child's
aid when I hear a cry.
I will wear my child.
I will nurse my child.
I will co sleep with my child.
These things do not "spoil"
a child. They help a child
thrive in a world that is
constantly trying to take
away our natural instincts
as parents.
So love them and when
you feel like you've loved them
enough, love them even more.
Thank you for reading. I will post again later this week. Until next time.
On the Night You Were Born
On the night you were born
the moon smiled with such wonder
that the stars peeked in to see you
and the night wind whispered,
"Life will never be the same."
Because there had never been anyone
like you ever in the world.
So enchanted with you
were the wind and the rain that they
whispered the sound of
your wonderful name.
Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn
on the wonderful, marvelous
night you were born.
My home is filled with toys, has
fingerprints on everything and is
never quiet. My hair is usually a mess
and I'm always tired, but there is
always LOVE and LAUGHTER.
In twenty years my children won't
remember the house or my hair, but
they will REMEMBER the time we
spent together and the
LOVE they felt.
-- Unknown
A few things your mom may not have told you
She loves you more than herself.
She has watched you while you were asleep.
Every time you're upset, her heart sinks.
You make her life meaningful.
She would give you her last dollar.
You inspire her and give her hope.
She smiles knowing you are her child.
You could NEVER disappoint her.
She thinks you are one in a million.
You're the best thing that has ever happened to her.
They Grow So Fast
And that phrase seems both so
totally true and so totally false at
the same time, because in the
day-to-day of it nothing seems
fast at all. A meal can take an
eternity. A sleepless night a
lifetime. And yet everyone says so.
And so I want to hold him in my
arms a little longer today, because
already my baby is gone. Already
there is a little boy is his place. And
one day not too far in the future,
there will be an older boy in his
place, and then a teenager, and then
a young man.
Before There Was You
Before there was you, I slept until noon...
I took naps when I wanted and didn't watch cartoons
Before there was you, life was filled with less stress
There were no toys on the floor and the house was not a mess
Before there was you, I was wined and I was dined
I never checked for poop by sniffing a behind
Before there was you, I could go to the mall
Without disapproving looks of shock and appall
Before there was you, I'd primp for an hour
Now, I will go days without taking a shower
Our lives have changed completely, but this much is true
I never knew pure joy, before there was you.
I will continue to hold my child.
I will continue to cuddle my child.
I will come to my child's
aid when I hear a cry.
I will wear my child.
I will nurse my child.
I will co sleep with my child.
These things do not "spoil"
a child. They help a child
thrive in a world that is
constantly trying to take
away our natural instincts
as parents.
So love them and when
you feel like you've loved them
enough, love them even more.
Thank you for reading. I will post again later this week. Until next time.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
My Best Friend, Valerie Manwill
I want to thank all of my readers first off by saying, "It is a pleasure writing for you and this is going to be one FANTABULOUS blog this week so don't stop reading now, it WILL get better, I promise!"
Now, Valerie Manwill has been my friend since the beginning of Junior High School on into High School and further on into what we adults call life....lol
She has always been there for me, through "the good, the bad, and the ugly". In short, that phrase is comparing what my life has been, not hers. Now, if my memory serves me right, Valerie was there when I had to have my spinal fusion surgery in 8th grade. It was either that or get to go on a summer trip to Australia and New Zealand, but my spine was curving into my heart and lungs so I really didn't have a choice. In the end, she was always there for me, beginning to end.
Now in High School, there was a time when I was in drama class with Mr. Anderson. Anybody remember him? Does he still work there at that high school? Who knows? I'm getting side - tracked. I was in a play called the Christmas Carol and since I couldn't hardly remember any lines, I got to be the town spokeswoman, who only read about two or three lines, and the ghost of future past, who walked through the fog and stood by a tombstone while moving my arm from the right to the left, or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, Valerie fits into this scenario because all of the English classes had to come watch the play and I am pretty sure she watched me embarrass myself.
On a little side note, I was sweating to death because when I was the town spokeswoman I wore a dress, but I didn't have time to change so I had to put that heavy black robe on over the dress by the time it was my time to be on stage as the ghost of future past, to put it shortly, it was a long night and we did the same thing for two or three nights in a row. She was there beginning to end.
The next few years flew by and I didn't see you again until 2013 when we saw each other at the Centerville Single's Ward. It was great seeing you again. It was like no time had even gone by but I know you have gone on your mission to Peru and maybe a couple of other things that I don't know about and that's okay. Before we saw each other at the church, we haven't seen each other in 5 years, but we still remained best friends. I think that is a testament of friendship right there. If it's not, I don't know what is.
I hope you and your growing family have a great time in Arizona. If you decide to come back, you'll come back and we can hang out again but until then my friend, I will text you as always and no matter what, you will always be my best friend.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate it. I will post another one next week. Until next time.
Now, Valerie Manwill has been my friend since the beginning of Junior High School on into High School and further on into what we adults call life....lol
She has always been there for me, through "the good, the bad, and the ugly". In short, that phrase is comparing what my life has been, not hers. Now, if my memory serves me right, Valerie was there when I had to have my spinal fusion surgery in 8th grade. It was either that or get to go on a summer trip to Australia and New Zealand, but my spine was curving into my heart and lungs so I really didn't have a choice. In the end, she was always there for me, beginning to end.
Now in High School, there was a time when I was in drama class with Mr. Anderson. Anybody remember him? Does he still work there at that high school? Who knows? I'm getting side - tracked. I was in a play called the Christmas Carol and since I couldn't hardly remember any lines, I got to be the town spokeswoman, who only read about two or three lines, and the ghost of future past, who walked through the fog and stood by a tombstone while moving my arm from the right to the left, or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, Valerie fits into this scenario because all of the English classes had to come watch the play and I am pretty sure she watched me embarrass myself.
On a little side note, I was sweating to death because when I was the town spokeswoman I wore a dress, but I didn't have time to change so I had to put that heavy black robe on over the dress by the time it was my time to be on stage as the ghost of future past, to put it shortly, it was a long night and we did the same thing for two or three nights in a row. She was there beginning to end.
The next few years flew by and I didn't see you again until 2013 when we saw each other at the Centerville Single's Ward. It was great seeing you again. It was like no time had even gone by but I know you have gone on your mission to Peru and maybe a couple of other things that I don't know about and that's okay. Before we saw each other at the church, we haven't seen each other in 5 years, but we still remained best friends. I think that is a testament of friendship right there. If it's not, I don't know what is.
I hope you and your growing family have a great time in Arizona. If you decide to come back, you'll come back and we can hang out again but until then my friend, I will text you as always and no matter what, you will always be my best friend.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate it. I will post another one next week. Until next time.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
The ABCs of a Good Mom
Hey everybody, sorry for not posting in another week. I promise to post every week from now on, thanks to my readers. I found this information that you will read on Pinterest and I found it interesting, and I found the photos on Google. Just letting you know ahead of time.
- Ask me about my day
- Be present when you're with me
- Celebrate my little victories
- Dote on me
- Encourage me when I'm down
- Forgive my mistakes
- Grow with me
- Help me when I need it
- Insist I eat vegetables
- Joke with me
- Kiss me when I don't want you to
- Listen to me
- Make memories with me
- Notice when I do something right
- Organize me until I can do it myself
- Play with me a lot
- Question me about my day
- Read to me or with me
- Smile at me
- Turn off my electronics
- Understand me
- Value me
- Wait patiently -- I'll get it someday
- XXX and OOO me everyday
- Yell less
- Zero in on what makes me, me
Thank you all for reading. I am going to be posting another blog tomorrow night to make up for the one I did not do last week. Look forward to it. Until next time my friends.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Hello everybody, this is my second blog post this week and I want to talk about Diversity. It is all around us, everyday. First, let's take a look at the definition of diversity. Diversity means a feature of a mixed workforce that provides a wide range of abilities, experience, knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age, background, ethnicity, physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex and other attributes. Second, let's take a look at the origin of the word diversity. The specific root of "diverse" is the Latin verb "divertere" (the prefix "di" or "dis," meaning "aside") meaning to "turn aside." That Latin word combined our pal "vertere" to turn with "uni" one to give a basic sense of "turned into one" or "all taken together." I would like to give you some quotes on diversity by Maya Angelou now.
"We all should know that Diversity makes for a rich tapestry and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color."
- Maya Angelou
"It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength."
- Maya Angelou
Diversity isn't just about Black or White, it's also about race, sexual orientation, language, age, socioeconomic status, nationality, religion, education, national origin, political, occupation, ethnicity, immigration status, disability and life experiences.
DIVERSITY = Everyone is individual and different.
EQUALITY = Equal access to opportunities.
INCLUSION = Inclusion is a sense of belonging; feeling respected, valued for who you are; feeling a level of supportive energy and commitment from others so that you can do your best at work.
Each other
Regardless of
Talents or
"We all should know that Diversity makes for a rich tapestry and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color."
- Maya Angelou
"It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength."
- Maya Angelou
Diversity isn't just about Black or White, it's also about race, sexual orientation, language, age, socioeconomic status, nationality, religion, education, national origin, political, occupation, ethnicity, immigration status, disability and life experiences.
DIVERSITY = Everyone is individual and different.
EQUALITY = Equal access to opportunities.
INCLUSION = Inclusion is a sense of belonging; feeling respected, valued for who you are; feeling a level of supportive energy and commitment from others so that you can do your best at work.
Each other
Regardless of
Talents or
The Cultural Iceberg:
Surface Culture
- Food
- Flags
- Festivals
- Fashion
- Holidays
- Music
- Performances
- Dances
- Games
- Arts & Crafts
- Literature
- Language
Deep Culture
Communication Styles and Rules:
- Facial expressions
- Gestures
- Eye contact
- Personal space
- Touching
- Body language
- Tone of voice
- Handling and displaying of emotion
- Conversational patterns in different social situations
Notions of:
- Courtesy and manners
- Friendship
- Leadership
- Cleanliness
- Modesty
- Beauty
Concepts of:
- Self
- Time
- Past and future
- Fairness and justice
- Roles related to age, sex, class, family, etc.
Approaches to:
- Religion
- Courtship
- Marriage
- Raising children
- Decision making
- Problem solving
Attitudes toward:
- Elders
- Adolescents
- Dependents
- Rule
- Expectations
- Work
- Authority
- Cooperation Vs. Competition
- Relationships with animals
- Age
- Sin
- Death
Thank you again for reading. I will post again next week. Until next time my friends.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Stress Management
Hey everybody, I am going to be talking about stress management, how to communicate through stress, the signs and symptoms of stress, how to use aromatherapy for stress relief, and 30 ways to de-stress in less than 10 minutes. Yesterday was National Stress Awareness Day and I want to help people with that in any way possible. I haven't posted in the last two weeks because I wanted to take a break. Thank you for your patience my friends.
30+ Ways to De-Stress in Less than 10 Minutes
- Listen to your favorite tunes
- Head outside
- Stretch
- Meditate
- Read for pleasure
- Walk, bike, or skateboard around the block
- Count to 10
- Dance
- Journal
- Write down 10 things you're grateful for
- Doodle or draw
- Tell some jokes
- Call a friend
- Chew a piece of gum
- Focus & notice your present surroundings (grounding)
- Disconnect from tech
- Look at a happy photo
- Squeeze a stress ball
- Watch a funny YouTube video
- Punch a pillow
- Deep, slow breathing
- Read an inspirational quote
- Spend time with your pets
- Practice yoga poses
- Do 20 jumping jacks
- Do something nice for someone
- Sit in the sun
- Visualize a safe comforting place
- Pick some flowers
- Give yourself a neck massage
- Take a shower
- Kick a soccer ball
65 Signs and Symptoms of Stress
Cognitive Symptoms:
- Inability to concentrate
- Seeing only the negative
- Anxious or racing thoughts
- Difficulty in decision - making
- Trouble learning new information
- Constant worrying
- Nightmares
- Guilt
- Poor judgement
- Forgetfulness, disorganization
Emotional Symptoms:
- Depression, general unhappiness
- Low self - esteem, lonely, worthless
- Overwhelmed, like losing control
- Frequent crying spells, suicidal thoughts
- Moodiness
- Apathy
- Irritability, short temper
- Agitation, inability to relax
Physical Symptoms:
- Nervousness, shaking
- Weakness, fatigue
- Twitching, tremors
- Aches, pains, tense muscles, muscle spasms
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Nausea, dizziness, light - headed
- Chest pain, palpitations, rapid heartbeat
- Frequent colds and infections
- Loss of sex drive/ability
- Excess belching, flatulence
- Unexplained "allergy" attacks
- Weight gain/loss without change in diet
- Ringing, buzzing, popping sounds
- Cold or sweaty hands/feet
- Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing
- Clenched jaw, grinding teeth
- Hair loss
- Acne
- Rashes, itching
- Numbness
- Hot/cold waves
- Sweating
- Tingling
- Low energy
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Heartburn
- Panic attacks
- Sense of vomiting
- Frequent urination
- Difficulty breathing
Behavioral Symptoms:
- Changes in appetite
- Sleeping too much, too little
- Social withdrawal, isolation
- Aggression, hostility
- Overreactions
- Defensiveness, suspiciousness
- Problems in communication
- Obsessive or compulsive behavior
- Nervous habits (nail biting, fidgeting, pacing)
- Low interest in appearance, punctuality
- Stuttering, rapid or mumbled speech
- Procrastinating, neglecting responsibilities
- Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
- Lies/excuses to cover up poor work
- Increased number of minor accidents
- Excessive gambling, impulse buying
Aromatherapy for Stress Relief
Did you know that the art of aromatherapy can be traced back the the great ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome where essential oils were valued for their many uses?
Calming, overcomes nervous tension, depression and chaotic energy.
Increases brainwave activity and counters mental fatigue. Promotes clarity of mind and increases energy.
Effective at nerve relaxation; it relieves pain, promotes healthy digestion and increases energy.
Invigorating, calming, and reassuring. Also helps with depression.
How to Communicate Under Stress
Speak Carefully:
- Be specific.
- Stay focused.
- Say less.
- Stay it with tact.
Listen Attentively:
- Receive criticism successfully.
- Accept what is said without giving advice.
- Don't interrupt.
- Listen with empathy.
Respond Accurately:
- Be honest.
- Get all the facts.
- Check all your interpretations.
- Listen to yourself.
Thank you all for reading. I am going to be posting another blog later this week. Until next time.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Hey everybody, this year, Caleb got to REALLY enjoy his Easter. I will show you pictures of what he got and details of what he got this easter. I will also go over how excited he was to decorate easter eggs for the first time all by himself the day before Easter, so let's get to it.
Here are the things Caleb got for Easter:
For Candy he got:
Here are the things Caleb got for Easter:
For Candy he got:
- 24 Easter eggs filled with mini milky way candy bars
- an egg filled with a mini strawberry plushy that you can hang on your purse
- an egg filled with hopping bunnies
- a bag of goldfish
- marshmallow bunnies
- a box of mini teddy cookies
- 2 packages of Cadbury chocolate and caramel eggs
- a gummy Spongebob Krabby Patty
- mini gummy worms
- Mickey Mouse gummies and stickers
- a bag of Dove chocolates
- chocolate and peanut butter eggs
- chocolate eggs
- a bag of Hershey kisses
For Books he got:
- Sesame Street - Elmo and the Bunny Hop
Dr. Seuss's:
- I wish that I had duck feet
- Are you my mother?
- Because a little bug went Ka-Choo!
- There's a Wocket in my Pocket!
- One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
- The Best Nest
- Oh, the things you can do that are good for you (All about Staying Healthy)
- Hark! A Shark! (All about Sharks)
- On beyond bugs (All about insects)
For Toys he got:
- Mr. Potato Head (comes with 13 detachable pieces) - my grandma bought him for Caleb, he has been having so much fun with it, and having me help him every time, especially with Mr. Potato Head's arms :)
- Full Function radio control car - signature edition - batteries included ( Orange Camaro) - his Aunt Beverly and Uncle Dave bought this for Caleb, he has been having so much fun with it
For Miscellaneous he got:
- a stuffed elephant wearing pajamas with little chicks on them
- an outfit, a 4T green shirt, and a 3T pair of shorts ( but the shorts don't fit him right now)
- a Paw Patrol mat that he eats his lunch and dinner on, I think I've achieved the right way to control messes now....lol.....at least sometimes.
Now, he got to color and dump each egg in each dye color by himself and by the time the water was cool enough, he was able to take the egg out of the dye as well. In the meantime, he took a spoon, and stirred and mixed the dye around each egg so it would dye well, but some of the eggs had more than one color due to that process. I guess it's all in fun. No harm done and I can't wait until next year. I know Caleb can't. He is still eating his candy....lol.
Thanks for reading. Sorry it was late. I will post again sometime this week. I appreciate you all so much for just listening to what I have to say. It means a lot to me. A special shout out to my grandma, Aunt Beverly, and Uncle Dave for buying those toys for Caleb. I appreciate it so much, like you don't even know. Until next time.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Top 40 Inspirational Painted Rock Messages
I am just going to put these out there because I thought they were all really simple, fun and easy to follow.
Life is tough, but so are you.
You are capable of amazing things.
Just breathe.
Be the reason someone smiles today.
I Love You, A Bushel and a Peck.
Do what makes your soul shine.
Laugh more.
Follow your bliss.
You got this.
Life's a journey, not a race.
Be silly. Be kind. Be honest.
Have courage and be kind.
God knew my heart needed you.
Think happy thoughts.
Hakuna Matata.

Bibbibi Bobbibi Boo.

Just keep swimming.

You are strong.
Be humble.
I think I can.
Not all who wander are lost.
I am thankful.
I am grateful.
Life is what you make it.
Live, Laugh, Love.
Be a little boulder.
Today I will by my own superhero.
You don't have to be perfect to be amazing.
Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Be awesome today.
It's cool to be king.
Say yes to new adventures.
If you create it, it will inspire.
Be buddies, not bullies.
Go after dreams, not people.
I saw that -- karma.
Never stop looking up.
Have faith in yourself.
Life is tough, but so are you.
You are capable of amazing things.
Just breathe.
Be the reason someone smiles today.
I Love You, A Bushel and a Peck.
Do what makes your soul shine.
Laugh more.
Follow your bliss.
You got this.
Life's a journey, not a race.
Be silly. Be kind. Be honest.
Have courage and be kind.
God knew my heart needed you.
Think happy thoughts.
Hakuna Matata.

Be humble.
I think I can.
Not all who wander are lost.
I am thankful.
I am grateful.
Life is what you make it.
Live, Laugh, Love.
Be a little boulder.
Today I will by my own superhero.
You don't have to be perfect to be amazing.
Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Be awesome today.
It's cool to be king.
Say yes to new adventures.
If you create it, it will inspire.
Be buddies, not bullies.
Go after dreams, not people.
I saw that -- karma.
Never stop looking up.
Have faith in yourself.
If any of these rang a bell or made you think about something, comment below. I will post again on Easter Sunday. Thank you for reading.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Caleb's Dentist Appointment
Caleb has an up and coming appointment with his dentist on Monday. It's not that he hates to go but he doesn't enjoy it unless he gets something out of it, like a juice at Maverick or a toy that he always gets when he is done at the dentist, which I always end up losing at one point or another.
Caleb, I think, has had 3 or 4 dentist appointments so far with his current dentist. I know that because we've kept all of the floss, toothbrushes, and toothpaste that you get in a little bag when your done at the dentist. We've also bought a couple electric toothbrushes over the last few months, because you are supposed to switch out toothbrushes every 3 months. I guess that's why they give you one every time, right before you leave. If your lucky, you also get to pick out a couple stickers, on which I have put on his box in the cabinet that holds his toothbrush, toothpaste, ear drops, and other medicines that he takes, but I am not gonna talk about that.
I had Caleb switch dentists when he was two or three years old because the other dentist kept sending me emails about a girl named Becky. I mean, they couldn't even get his name right and they said we missed more than 4 appointments but we only missed one, so instead of going to Bountiful every time, we now go to Layton every 3 months. It used to be every 6 months, but I guess Caleb's Medicaid pays for him to go to the dentist every 3 months and I'm not complaining.
Now, at the dentist, we go in, I say we are there, we have to wait about 10 - 20 minutes, in the meantime Caleb gets chalk all over his clothes and hands. Before we get called back, I try my best to rub as much as the chalk off as I can. He gets x-rays taken of his teeth every time and then we are moved to one of the seats where he gets his teeth cleaned.
While he gets his teeth cleaned, my mom has to hold him down, that and taking pictures of the x-rays too, he won't let me hold him. Here is where it gets good. We have to take two buses to the dentist and if Caleb is good on the way there, he gets his teeth cleaned with red velvet cookie dough flavor and if he is bad on the way there, he gets grape flavor, which he hates with a purple passion. Get it? Grapes are purple? They're also green, but I was just making a joke.
Then after all of that is done, the dentist comes in, checks out his teeth with a mirror and something else I don't recognize the name of, and then, he says Caleb does NOT have ANY cavities. Even though sometimes I forget to brush his teeth, he still has perfect teeth. I'm hoping he won't have any cavities on Monday. I'm gonna cross my fingers.
Thank you for reading another post. I won't be posting again until next Saturday...so until next time my friends. Have a great day!!!!
Caleb, I think, has had 3 or 4 dentist appointments so far with his current dentist. I know that because we've kept all of the floss, toothbrushes, and toothpaste that you get in a little bag when your done at the dentist. We've also bought a couple electric toothbrushes over the last few months, because you are supposed to switch out toothbrushes every 3 months. I guess that's why they give you one every time, right before you leave. If your lucky, you also get to pick out a couple stickers, on which I have put on his box in the cabinet that holds his toothbrush, toothpaste, ear drops, and other medicines that he takes, but I am not gonna talk about that.
I had Caleb switch dentists when he was two or three years old because the other dentist kept sending me emails about a girl named Becky. I mean, they couldn't even get his name right and they said we missed more than 4 appointments but we only missed one, so instead of going to Bountiful every time, we now go to Layton every 3 months. It used to be every 6 months, but I guess Caleb's Medicaid pays for him to go to the dentist every 3 months and I'm not complaining.
Now, at the dentist, we go in, I say we are there, we have to wait about 10 - 20 minutes, in the meantime Caleb gets chalk all over his clothes and hands. Before we get called back, I try my best to rub as much as the chalk off as I can. He gets x-rays taken of his teeth every time and then we are moved to one of the seats where he gets his teeth cleaned.
While he gets his teeth cleaned, my mom has to hold him down, that and taking pictures of the x-rays too, he won't let me hold him. Here is where it gets good. We have to take two buses to the dentist and if Caleb is good on the way there, he gets his teeth cleaned with red velvet cookie dough flavor and if he is bad on the way there, he gets grape flavor, which he hates with a purple passion. Get it? Grapes are purple? They're also green, but I was just making a joke.
Then after all of that is done, the dentist comes in, checks out his teeth with a mirror and something else I don't recognize the name of, and then, he says Caleb does NOT have ANY cavities. Even though sometimes I forget to brush his teeth, he still has perfect teeth. I'm hoping he won't have any cavities on Monday. I'm gonna cross my fingers.
Thank you for reading another post. I won't be posting again until next Saturday...so until next time my friends. Have a great day!!!!
Friday, March 16, 2018
Mom Life
The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.
- Jessica Lange
That's right. I don't open my eyes on my own. I have my son to wake me up by jumping on my stomach or pulling the blanket off of me, by now, I should already have an internal alarm clock so that doesn't keep happening.
One early morning, he woke up at the crack of dawn, WET, he let me change him and he went back to sleep for another two and a half hours. Thank you sleep gods. I needed you.
If only I could sleep the whole day, I would, but that little inside feeling you get when you know you have to get up to feed your child or you know you have to get up to change their diaper, whatever it is, it is always worth it, because at the end of the day, your little one wants story time, and snuggles up right next to you and I wake up the next morning with only a quarter of the queen sized bed to myself, but again, it is SO worth it.
To always know that you have someone that will always look up to you, you will always have their back, and they will always LOVE you.
- Jessica Lange
That's right. I don't open my eyes on my own. I have my son to wake me up by jumping on my stomach or pulling the blanket off of me, by now, I should already have an internal alarm clock so that doesn't keep happening.
One early morning, he woke up at the crack of dawn, WET, he let me change him and he went back to sleep for another two and a half hours. Thank you sleep gods. I needed you.
If only I could sleep the whole day, I would, but that little inside feeling you get when you know you have to get up to feed your child or you know you have to get up to change their diaper, whatever it is, it is always worth it, because at the end of the day, your little one wants story time, and snuggles up right next to you and I wake up the next morning with only a quarter of the queen sized bed to myself, but again, it is SO worth it.
To always know that you have someone that will always look up to you, you will always have their back, and they will always LOVE you.
Monday, March 12, 2018
30 Ways to Focus on Self - Care
Guten Morgen
This is going to be a long one, I'm warning you beforehand. If you still want to read, good job! I'm proud of you and thank you for reading another one of my blogs.
Self-care is a very active and powerful choice to engage in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. And in this case, overall health includes not just the physical, but the psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual components of an individual's well being.
When you’re running low on energy, carrying too many burdens or just not feeling very resilient, it’s vital that you nurture yourself in order to replenish your resources. If you need some inspiration, look to any one (or more) of these 30 quick and effective ways to practice self care.
- Read a new book
- Diffuse
- Take a walk
- Take an epsom salt bath
- Light a candle
- Make a homemade body care item
- Write in a journal
- Practice yoga
- Listen to your favorite music album
- Drink a green smoothie
- Make and apply a face mask
- Go to bed early
- Make a homemade meal
- Organize your closet
- Treat yourself to a cup of coffee
- Doodle or color in a coloring book
- Walk somewhere new
- Cozy up in a blanket
- Buy yourself flowers
- Listen to your favorite podcast
- Take pictures in nature
- Turn your phone off for a few hours
- Declutter your workspace
- Go through a stretching routine
- Give yourself a manicure
- Scroll through Pinterest
- Try a new way to break a sweat
- Lay in the sunshine
- Have a solo dance party
- Pray
If you do any or all of these things by this coming Saturday, when I post my next post, I want to hear about your experience with self-care. Some "me" time. Maybe you tried something that wasn't on my list, you can still tell me about it. Don't be afraid to message me, email me or comment below. Today and this whole week is all about loving yourself through self-care. I know I need it at times, who else...
Again, thank you for reading my blog posts, and I will keep them coming. Sorry this one is late, the next one will be on time, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. Seriously though, my blog means so much to me so I am very thankful that I have so many readers. Until next time.
Auf Wiedersehen
Sunday, March 4, 2018
To my son, As a parent
I know this is my second blog this week but I couldn't help it. I have so many things to write about and I want to write about some poems and prayers that I found that could or can be useful to someone with a little boy, baby, toddler, teenager, you name it, this one is for the boys. Especially the main man in my life, Caleb.
A Parent's Prayer:
Help Me give my children the best...
not of trappings or toys, but of myself, cherishing them
on good days and bad, theirs and mine.
Teach Me to accept them for who they are,
not for what they do;
To listen to what they say,
if only so they will listen to me;
To encourage their goals, not mine;
and please, let me laugh with them and be silly.
Let Me give them a home where
respect is the cornerstone,
integrity is the foundation,
and there is enough happiness to raise the roof.
May I give them the courage to be true to themselves;
the independence to take care of themselves
and the faith to believe in a power
much greater than their own.
See That I discipline my children
without demeaning them,
demand good manners without forgetting my own
and let them know they have limitless love,
no matter what they do.
Let Me feed them properly, clothe them adequately
and have enough to give them small allowances...
not for the work they do but the
pleasure they bring.
And let me be moderate in all these things,
so the joy of getting will help them discover
the joy of giving.
See That their responsibilities are real
but not burdensome, that my expectations are high
but not overwhelming and that my thanks and praise
are thoughtful and given when they're due.
Help Me teach them that excellence
is work's real reward, and not the glory it brings.
But when it comes...and it will...let me revel in each honor,
however small, without once pretending that it's mine;
My Children are glories enough.
Above all, let me ground these children so well
that I can dare to let them go.
I Love You:
I am your PARENT, you are my CHILD
I am your QUIET PLACE, you are my WILD
I am your CALM FACE, you are my GIGGLE
I am your WAIT, you are my WIGGLE
I am your DINNER, you are my CHOCOLATE CAKE
I am your BEDTIME, you are my WIDE AWAKE
I am your LULLABY, you are my PEEKABOO
I am your GOODNIGHT KISS, you are my I LOVE YOU
To: My Son, I Sometimes Wish:
I sometimes wish you were still small,
Not yet so big and strong and tall.
For when I think of yesterday,
I close my eyes and see you play.
I often miss that little boy
Who pestered me to buy a toy,
Who filled my days with pure delight,
From early morn to late at night.
We watch our children change and grow
As seasons come, then quickly go,
But our God has a perfect plan
To shape a boy into a man.
Today, my son, I'm proud of you
for all the thoughtful things you do.
I'll love you till my days are done,
And I'm so grateful you're my son.
Children Are...
AMAZING, acknowledge them
BELIEVABLE, trust them
CHILDLIKE, allow them
DIVINE, honor them
ENERGETIC, nourish them
FALLIBLE, embrace them
GIFTS, treasure them
HERE NOW, be with them
INNOCENT, delight with them
JOYFUL, appreciate them
KINDHEARTED, learn from them
LOVABLE, cherish them
MAGICAL, fly with them
NOBLE, esteem them
OPEN MINDED, respect them
PRECIOUS, value them
QUESTIONERS, encourage them
RESOURCEFUL, support them
SPONTANEOUS, enjoy them
TALENTED, believe in them
UNIQUE, affirm them
VULNERABLE, protect them
WHOLE, recognize them
XTRASPECIAL, celebrate them
YEARNING, notice them
ZANY, laugh with them
I hope you enjoyed today's blog. i won't post again until next Saturday but stay tuned. I have lots of more great ideas to share with you guys that you won't want to miss.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
What Are Little Boys Made Of -- Parts 1 & 2
Today I am going to have fun and like to get dirty pretty much, which in fact, I think I have pretty much avoided Caleb from getting too dirty in the snow, mud, dirt, sand, etc, because frankly I don't want to clean up the mess. The poem "What are little boys made of?" dates back to the early 19th century. Let's get this thing started, shall we?
Part 1:
What are little boys made of?
I hope you enjoyed my poems for today. See you next week for my next blog.
Part 1:
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dog tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
Part 2:
A wee bit of dirt
and a devilish grin...
Curious eyes and
Spaghetti sauce
A dollop of mud
behind his right ear,
And a handful
of worms in his
pocket I fear.
You see his knees
through the
holes in his jeans
He likes ice cream
but won't eat his
He's made of
mudpies and
bubble gum kisses
and wonder at
Christmas and
birthday wishes.
And a heap of
giggles and
wiggles and love,
These are the things
little boys are
made of.
I hope you enjoyed my poems for today. See you next week for my next blog.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Caleb's Ear Surgery
First, it all started when Caleb's preschool sent me a letter saying that he failed his hearing test that was on January 22nd. So, I took him in to his ENT doctor, Dr. Wilcox. He laid Caleb down and got some earwax out but there was so much earwax that the doctor wanted to do surgery to get it all out and put another set of tubes in his ears, without putting a hole in his eardrums.
He had his ear surgery on Monday, February 19th. It took about 45 minutes to an hour then he was put in a room where he woke up one minute and fell asleep the next. The nurse taking care of him said he should be ready to go home in 20 minutes, so I tried to call a few people until I got ahold of someone, a friend at church, gave us a ride home because it was snowing again and I didn't want to take Caleb home on the bus. He came home, took a nap from 11:30 am until 4:15 pm. Stayed awake until 7:30 pm and went back to sleep. I was worried about him all night, I think he was still wearing off the anesthetic the doctor gave him.
On Tuesday, February 20th, Caleb still wasn't feeling well so I kept him home from school. He woke up at 10 after 6 am in the morning. We then went into the living room to watch television and he laid on my lap for 3 1/2 hours, drifting on and off to sleep until he finally fell asleep at around 9:45 am. I carried him to my bed, covered him up in my blanket, gave him a hug and told him that he fell asleep on me so I put him on bed so he can take a nap. I almost cried when I put him down for his nap because I was still SO worried about him. He then napped for about 2 1/2 hours. The rest of the day went okay and he was a happy little boy again.
I kept him home from school on Wednesday and Thursday also because he has had a fever and a runny nose almost all day. I think he caught a bug at the hospital. I hope he doesn't get sick again. Also, with the ear drops, I am supposed to put 4 drops in each ear for four days and it is the second day. Today is Wednesday. I hope he feels better by tomorrow.
That's the end of today's blog. I hope you enjoy reading it and I will post again next week. Keeping up the fun and my ideas to come.
He had his ear surgery on Monday, February 19th. It took about 45 minutes to an hour then he was put in a room where he woke up one minute and fell asleep the next. The nurse taking care of him said he should be ready to go home in 20 minutes, so I tried to call a few people until I got ahold of someone, a friend at church, gave us a ride home because it was snowing again and I didn't want to take Caleb home on the bus. He came home, took a nap from 11:30 am until 4:15 pm. Stayed awake until 7:30 pm and went back to sleep. I was worried about him all night, I think he was still wearing off the anesthetic the doctor gave him.
On Tuesday, February 20th, Caleb still wasn't feeling well so I kept him home from school. He woke up at 10 after 6 am in the morning. We then went into the living room to watch television and he laid on my lap for 3 1/2 hours, drifting on and off to sleep until he finally fell asleep at around 9:45 am. I carried him to my bed, covered him up in my blanket, gave him a hug and told him that he fell asleep on me so I put him on bed so he can take a nap. I almost cried when I put him down for his nap because I was still SO worried about him. He then napped for about 2 1/2 hours. The rest of the day went okay and he was a happy little boy again.
I kept him home from school on Wednesday and Thursday also because he has had a fever and a runny nose almost all day. I think he caught a bug at the hospital. I hope he doesn't get sick again. Also, with the ear drops, I am supposed to put 4 drops in each ear for four days and it is the second day. Today is Wednesday. I hope he feels better by tomorrow.
That's the end of today's blog. I hope you enjoy reading it and I will post again next week. Keeping up the fun and my ideas to come.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Relationships: Part 2
It's been a while since I've posted my last blog post but I am here to talk more about my exes. Prepare to be overwhelmed a little bit. It's okay. If you don't want to read past the first or first few paragraphs, fine with me too. These guys are not in order in the order I dated them. Let's begin.
First, there is Brandon West. I met him on a bus with my mom going towards SLC to the donation plasma center. He asked me if he could borrow my phone and little did I know, he put his phone number in my phone. I fell for the oldest trick in the book. This was back in 2013. He came back and wanted back in my life, so I dated him again for awhile. He cheated on me with some woman that he was babysitting her daughter for. He didn't come home and tell me until four days later and then I kicked him out. Once again, he comes crawling back wanting back in my life because he thinks that my four year old son Caleb is his. I can tell you for certain that he is not. We date for a little bit, he buys Caleb a coat, some socks, shoes, and some outfits. I didn't ask for them. One month later, we are engaged but he wants to end it because paternity comes back and says that he is not Caleb's dad. He gets pissed at me, says he can't do this anymore, and moves back to California with his mom.
Second, there is Kevin Stark. I dated him when I was 17 and he was 23 and my dad hated him. I don't remember for how long I dated him, but he forced me down to his bed and tied my hands up. My mom called it rape. I didn't press any charges. Later, he broke up with me through my dad and I wanted to know why so I had my Aunt Robin drive with my mom in the car too and go to his house and ask him myself. He came outside with a shotgun, got in his truck and started following us home. Luckily, there were two pathways that led home so he got lost because it was dark. I still talked to him every winter so we could go hot tubbing in his backyard. I haven't done that in three years.
Third, there is Chad Hatch. He was 39 and I was 19. My dad said "age doesn't matter," so we dated for a while. He lived about 10 minutes away from me and my family. We eventually broke up because he got back with his girlfriend that he said he knew for 10+ years. I just let it go.
Fourth, there is Ray Lofthouse. He was 37 and I was 24. Again, age doesn't matter. He was living with me, sleeping with me in my bed, until after a while it got boring dating him. There was nothing interesting about him. So I dumped him by text saying,"I am going to my ex's(Kevin Stark's) to go hot tubbing." I'm guessing he did not take that well since the next time I saw him he said he never wanted to see my face again, but right after I dumped him. My middle sister, Shantel, started dated him and I will never know why. She also tried to date Chad Hatch and Brandon West after they dumped me.
Fifth, there is Christopher Bowers. I decided to make a phone call one night. That night happened to be the same night as my youngest sister, Kimberli's, birthday. It was a phone chat line to talk to single men. I ended up talking to somebody and meeting up with Christopher. My sister Shantel tagged along with one of Christopher's friend's, we went to a hotel on 7200 South in SLC and we all did Ecstasy. I don't remember him even driving me and my sister home but it was about 4 am and I went right back to bed. Two days later, Christopher tells me to lose his number because he is getting back with his girlfriend.
Sixth, there is Adam McKinney. My VERY FIRST boyfriend and the reason why I HATE Valentine's Day(that is why there will not be a blog post about Valentine's Day...sorry). I started dating him when we were both Sophomores at Viewmont High School. He really swept me off my feet. He was the good guy for a while in all of this madness that you can call my life. When Valentine's Day came around, he gave me a white teddy bear and a chocolate rose. It was SO sweet until he crushed my dreams by breaking up with me the next day. So I got revenge. I got some gummy candy rats, and delivered them to his house, with a note that said, "A rat for a rat," but he obviously didn't get the joke, he just said thanks for the candy. What a jerk. After he finished his Sophomore year at Viewmont High School, he transferred to Davis High School for Junior and Senior High. I wonder why. Now that man works at the Walmart here in Layton. I don't know which department but whenever he sees me, he avoids me at all costs. Here's one thing. I tried to date him again, after I've had Caleb, he has his own apartment and everything, but the minute he calls me a prostitute and a whore for having two kids without getting married first is outrageous, to me at least. If that's what you call a man, I'm glad I am a woman.
Seventh, there is Spencer Tatton. I met him in Seminary in High School. He was a Senior and I was a Junior. We would listen to our iPods together behind the piano in Seminary class and we would text and talk for hours and hours until I had to put my phone on the charger, then we would still talk. We started dated after a while, and it was great until he graduated High School, then he left me behind. He didn't dump me, we just didn't talk as much. He got a summer job at Lagoon and one day he said "why don't you come with me to work?" I would have loved to but I got the assumption that something was up, because after all, his mother didn't like me. I caved in, went to Lagoon, met Spencer and he told me that he was breaking up with me. I asked him who he was leaving me for and he said somebody named Ashley, but wouldn't say her last name. I don't know why. It's not like I was gonna track her down and tell her not to date you. I wouldn't do that.
Eighth, there is Joshua Cerka / Slayd. Not much to say about him. I dated him for a while. We texted each other while we were in the same room to make Lewis Carter jealous, because he wanted to date me, but I didn't want to date him. I sat on his bed while he played video games because I didn't want to go home to all of the drama. In the end, he ended up getting married, having two kids, getting divorced, then trying to date me again, but I am not going to get all up in that drama. I already have enough stuff to deal with on my own. This was about a month ago.
Ninth, there is Josh Bowcutt. I was 25 when I started dating him and he was 42. I know, age doesn't matter, again, but this time it does. First off, he lives with his ex, his ex's fiancé, and their two kids. I don't know if I can handle that much drama. Secondly, he has taken me to Wendover three times. Don't worry, I've agreed to go to. It was so much fun. You should really try Vodka mixed with Red Bull. It's like super high energy. In the end, I've changed my phone number a few times so he can't get ahold of me, but now, I gave him my number again thinking we could be fwb's. Not yet anyways. I gave him my number almost two months ago. Oh well, what was I thinking?
After the ONE good guy, I kept falling for all of the bad guys. Just my luck.
First, there is Brandon West. I met him on a bus with my mom going towards SLC to the donation plasma center. He asked me if he could borrow my phone and little did I know, he put his phone number in my phone. I fell for the oldest trick in the book. This was back in 2013. He came back and wanted back in my life, so I dated him again for awhile. He cheated on me with some woman that he was babysitting her daughter for. He didn't come home and tell me until four days later and then I kicked him out. Once again, he comes crawling back wanting back in my life because he thinks that my four year old son Caleb is his. I can tell you for certain that he is not. We date for a little bit, he buys Caleb a coat, some socks, shoes, and some outfits. I didn't ask for them. One month later, we are engaged but he wants to end it because paternity comes back and says that he is not Caleb's dad. He gets pissed at me, says he can't do this anymore, and moves back to California with his mom.
Second, there is Kevin Stark. I dated him when I was 17 and he was 23 and my dad hated him. I don't remember for how long I dated him, but he forced me down to his bed and tied my hands up. My mom called it rape. I didn't press any charges. Later, he broke up with me through my dad and I wanted to know why so I had my Aunt Robin drive with my mom in the car too and go to his house and ask him myself. He came outside with a shotgun, got in his truck and started following us home. Luckily, there were two pathways that led home so he got lost because it was dark. I still talked to him every winter so we could go hot tubbing in his backyard. I haven't done that in three years.
Third, there is Chad Hatch. He was 39 and I was 19. My dad said "age doesn't matter," so we dated for a while. He lived about 10 minutes away from me and my family. We eventually broke up because he got back with his girlfriend that he said he knew for 10+ years. I just let it go.
Fourth, there is Ray Lofthouse. He was 37 and I was 24. Again, age doesn't matter. He was living with me, sleeping with me in my bed, until after a while it got boring dating him. There was nothing interesting about him. So I dumped him by text saying,"I am going to my ex's(Kevin Stark's) to go hot tubbing." I'm guessing he did not take that well since the next time I saw him he said he never wanted to see my face again, but right after I dumped him. My middle sister, Shantel, started dated him and I will never know why. She also tried to date Chad Hatch and Brandon West after they dumped me.
Fifth, there is Christopher Bowers. I decided to make a phone call one night. That night happened to be the same night as my youngest sister, Kimberli's, birthday. It was a phone chat line to talk to single men. I ended up talking to somebody and meeting up with Christopher. My sister Shantel tagged along with one of Christopher's friend's, we went to a hotel on 7200 South in SLC and we all did Ecstasy. I don't remember him even driving me and my sister home but it was about 4 am and I went right back to bed. Two days later, Christopher tells me to lose his number because he is getting back with his girlfriend.
Sixth, there is Adam McKinney. My VERY FIRST boyfriend and the reason why I HATE Valentine's Day(that is why there will not be a blog post about Valentine's Day...sorry). I started dating him when we were both Sophomores at Viewmont High School. He really swept me off my feet. He was the good guy for a while in all of this madness that you can call my life. When Valentine's Day came around, he gave me a white teddy bear and a chocolate rose. It was SO sweet until he crushed my dreams by breaking up with me the next day. So I got revenge. I got some gummy candy rats, and delivered them to his house, with a note that said, "A rat for a rat," but he obviously didn't get the joke, he just said thanks for the candy. What a jerk. After he finished his Sophomore year at Viewmont High School, he transferred to Davis High School for Junior and Senior High. I wonder why. Now that man works at the Walmart here in Layton. I don't know which department but whenever he sees me, he avoids me at all costs. Here's one thing. I tried to date him again, after I've had Caleb, he has his own apartment and everything, but the minute he calls me a prostitute and a whore for having two kids without getting married first is outrageous, to me at least. If that's what you call a man, I'm glad I am a woman.
Seventh, there is Spencer Tatton. I met him in Seminary in High School. He was a Senior and I was a Junior. We would listen to our iPods together behind the piano in Seminary class and we would text and talk for hours and hours until I had to put my phone on the charger, then we would still talk. We started dated after a while, and it was great until he graduated High School, then he left me behind. He didn't dump me, we just didn't talk as much. He got a summer job at Lagoon and one day he said "why don't you come with me to work?" I would have loved to but I got the assumption that something was up, because after all, his mother didn't like me. I caved in, went to Lagoon, met Spencer and he told me that he was breaking up with me. I asked him who he was leaving me for and he said somebody named Ashley, but wouldn't say her last name. I don't know why. It's not like I was gonna track her down and tell her not to date you. I wouldn't do that.
Eighth, there is Joshua Cerka / Slayd. Not much to say about him. I dated him for a while. We texted each other while we were in the same room to make Lewis Carter jealous, because he wanted to date me, but I didn't want to date him. I sat on his bed while he played video games because I didn't want to go home to all of the drama. In the end, he ended up getting married, having two kids, getting divorced, then trying to date me again, but I am not going to get all up in that drama. I already have enough stuff to deal with on my own. This was about a month ago.
Ninth, there is Josh Bowcutt. I was 25 when I started dating him and he was 42. I know, age doesn't matter, again, but this time it does. First off, he lives with his ex, his ex's fiancé, and their two kids. I don't know if I can handle that much drama. Secondly, he has taken me to Wendover three times. Don't worry, I've agreed to go to. It was so much fun. You should really try Vodka mixed with Red Bull. It's like super high energy. In the end, I've changed my phone number a few times so he can't get ahold of me, but now, I gave him my number again thinking we could be fwb's. Not yet anyways. I gave him my number almost two months ago. Oh well, what was I thinking?
After the ONE good guy, I kept falling for all of the bad guys. Just my luck.
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Hey everybody, I am not going to post any blogs for a while. I need to get my personal life and problems straightened out but I will make ...
Caleb has an up and coming appointment with his dentist on Monday. It's not that he hates to go but he doesn't enjoy it unless he g...
Hey all, It has definitely been awhile since I have posted anything. I am going to start being more positive about everything and looking...