Monday, March 26, 2018

Top 40 Inspirational Painted Rock Messages

I am just going to put these out there because I thought they were all really simple, fun and easy to follow.

Life is tough, but so are you.
You are capable of amazing things.
Just breathe.
Be the reason someone smiles today.
I Love You, A Bushel and a Peck.
Do what makes your soul shine.
Laugh more.
Follow your bliss.
You got this.
Life's a journey, not a race.
Be silly. Be kind. Be honest.
Have courage and be kind.
God knew my heart needed you.
Think happy thoughts.
Hakuna Matata.

Bibbibi Bobbibi Boo.

Just keep swimming.

You are strong.
Be humble.
I think I can.
Not all who wander are lost.
I am thankful.
I am grateful.
Life is what you make it.
Live, Laugh, Love.
Be a little boulder.
Today I will by my own superhero.
You don't have to be perfect to be amazing.
Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
Be awesome today.
It's cool to be king.
Say yes to new adventures.
If you create it, it will inspire.
Be buddies, not bullies.
Go after dreams, not people.
I saw that -- karma.
Never stop looking up.
Have faith in yourself.

If any of these rang a bell or made you think about something, comment below. I will post again on Easter Sunday. Thank you for reading.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Caleb's Dentist Appointment

Caleb has an up and coming appointment with his dentist on Monday.  It's not that he hates to go but he doesn't enjoy it unless he gets something out of it, like a juice at Maverick or a toy that he always gets when he is done at the dentist, which I always end up losing at one point or another.

Caleb, I think, has had 3 or 4 dentist appointments so far with his current dentist. I know that because we've kept all of the floss, toothbrushes, and toothpaste that you get in a little bag when your done at the dentist. We've also bought a couple electric toothbrushes over the last few months, because you are supposed to switch out toothbrushes every 3 months. I guess that's why they give you one every time, right before you leave. If your lucky, you also get to pick out a couple stickers, on which I have put on his box in the cabinet that holds his toothbrush, toothpaste, ear drops, and other medicines that he takes, but I am not gonna talk about that.

I had Caleb switch dentists when he was two or three years old because the other dentist kept sending me emails about a girl named Becky.  I mean, they couldn't even get his name right and they said we missed more than 4 appointments but we only missed one, so instead of going to Bountiful every time, we now go to Layton every 3 months.  It used to be every 6 months, but I guess Caleb's Medicaid pays for him to go to the dentist every 3 months and I'm not complaining.

Now, at the dentist, we go in, I say we are there, we have to wait about 10 - 20 minutes, in the meantime Caleb gets chalk all over his clothes and hands. Before we get called back,  I try my best to rub as much as the chalk off as I can. He gets x-rays taken of his teeth every time and then we are moved to one of the seats where he gets his teeth cleaned.

While he gets his teeth cleaned, my mom has to hold him down, that and taking pictures of the x-rays too, he won't let me hold him. Here is where it gets good. We have to take two buses to the dentist and if Caleb is good on the way there, he gets his teeth cleaned with red velvet cookie dough flavor and if he is bad on the way there, he gets grape flavor, which he hates with a purple passion. Get it? Grapes are purple? They're also green, but I was just making a joke.

Then after all of that is done, the dentist comes in, checks out his teeth with a mirror and something else I don't recognize the name of, and then, he says Caleb does NOT have ANY cavities.  Even though sometimes I forget to brush his teeth, he still has perfect teeth.  I'm hoping he won't have any cavities on Monday. I'm gonna cross my fingers.

Thank you for reading another post. I won't be posting again until next until next time my friends.  Have a great day!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Mom Life

The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children. 
 - Jessica Lange

That's right.  I don't open my eyes on my own. I have my son to wake me up by jumping on my stomach or pulling the blanket off of me,  by now, I  should already have an internal alarm clock so that doesn't keep happening.  

One early morning, he woke up at the crack of dawn, WET, he let me change him and he went back to sleep for another two and a half hours. Thank you sleep gods. I needed you.

If only I could sleep the whole day, I would,  but that little inside feeling you get when you know you have to get up to feed your child or you know you  have  to get up to change their diaper, whatever it is, it is always worth it, because at the end of the day, your little one wants story time, and snuggles up right next to you and I wake up the next morning with only a quarter of the queen sized bed to myself, but again, it is SO worth it.

To always know that you have someone that will always look up to you, you will always have their back, and they will always LOVE you.

Monday, March 12, 2018

30 Ways to Focus on Self - Care

Guten Morgen

This is going to be a long one, I'm warning you beforehand. If you still want to read, good job! I'm proud of you and thank you for reading another one of my blogs.

Self-care is a very active and powerful choice to engage in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. And in this case, overall health includes not just the physical, but the psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual components of an individual's well being.

When you’re running low on energy, carrying too many burdens or just not feeling very resilient, it’s vital that you nurture yourself in order to replenish your resources. If you need some inspiration, look to any one (or more) of these 30 quick and effective ways to practice self care.

  1. Read a new book
  2. Diffuse
  3. Take a walk
  4. Take an epsom salt bath
  5. Light a candle
  6. Make a homemade body care item
  7. Write in a journal
  8. Practice yoga
  9. Listen to your favorite music album
  10. Drink a green smoothie
  11. Make and apply a face mask
  12. Go to bed early
  13. Make a homemade meal
  14. Organize your closet
  15. Treat yourself to a cup of coffee
  16. Doodle or color in a coloring book
  17. Walk somewhere new
  18. Cozy up in a blanket
  19. Buy yourself flowers
  20. Listen to your favorite podcast
  21. Take pictures in nature
  22. Turn your phone off for a few hours
  23. Declutter your workspace
  24. Go through a stretching routine
  25. Give yourself a manicure
  26. Scroll through Pinterest
  27. Try a new way to break a sweat
  28. Lay in the sunshine
  29. Have a solo dance party
  30. Pray
If you do any or all of these things by this coming Saturday, when I post my next post, I want to hear about your experience with self-care. Some "me" time.  Maybe you tried something that wasn't on my list, you can still tell me about it. Don't be afraid to message me, email me or comment below. Today and this whole week is all about loving yourself through self-care.  I know I need it at times, who else... 

Again, thank you for reading my blog posts, and I will keep them coming. Sorry this one is late, the next one will be on time, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. Seriously though, my blog means so much to me so I am very thankful that I have so many readers. Until next time.

Auf Wiedersehen

Sunday, March 4, 2018

To my son, As a parent

I know this is my second blog this week but I couldn't help it. I have so many things to write about and I want to write about some poems and prayers that I found that could or can be useful to someone  with a little boy, baby, toddler, teenager, you name it, this one is for the boys.  Especially the main man in my life, Caleb.

A Parent's Prayer:
Help Me give my children the best...
not of trappings or toys, but of myself, cherishing them
on good days and bad, theirs and mine.

Teach Me to accept them for who they are,
not for what they do;

To listen to what they say,
if only so they will listen to me;

To encourage their goals, not mine;
and please, let me laugh with them and be silly.

Let Me give them a home where
respect is the cornerstone,
integrity is the foundation,
and there is enough happiness to raise the roof.

May I give them the courage to be true to themselves;
the independence to take care of themselves
and the faith to believe in a power
much greater than their own.

See That I discipline my children
without demeaning them,
demand good manners without forgetting my own
and let them know they have limitless love,
no matter what they do.

Let Me feed them properly, clothe them adequately
and have enough to give them small allowances...
not for the work they do but the
pleasure they bring.

And let me be moderate in all these things,
so the joy of getting will help them discover
the joy of giving.

See That their responsibilities are real
but not burdensome, that my expectations are high
but not overwhelming and that my thanks and praise
are thoughtful and given when they're due.

Help Me teach them that excellence
is work's real reward, and not the glory it brings.

But when it comes...and it will...let me revel in each honor,
however small, without once pretending that it's mine;
My Children are glories enough.

Above all, let me ground these children so well
that I can dare to let them go.

I Love You:
I am your PARENT, you are my CHILD
I am your QUIET PLACE, you are my WILD

I am your CALM FACE, you are my GIGGLE
I am your WAIT, you are my WIGGLE

I am your DINNER, you are my CHOCOLATE CAKE
I am your BEDTIME, you are my WIDE AWAKE

I am your LULLABY, you are my PEEKABOO
I am your GOODNIGHT KISS, you are my I LOVE YOU

To: My Son, I Sometimes Wish:
I sometimes wish you were still small,
Not yet so big and strong and tall.
For when I think of yesterday,
I close my eyes and see you play.

I often miss that little boy
Who pestered me to buy a toy,
Who filled my days with pure delight,
From early morn to late at night.

We watch our children change and grow
As  seasons come, then quickly go,
But our God has a perfect plan
To shape a boy into a man.

Today, my son, I'm proud of you
for all the thoughtful things you do.
I'll love you till my days are done,
And I'm so grateful you're my son.

Children Are...
AMAZING, acknowledge them
BELIEVABLE, trust them
CHILDLIKE, allow them
DIVINE, honor them
ENERGETIC, nourish them
FALLIBLE, embrace them
GIFTS, treasure them
HERE NOW, be with them
INNOCENT, delight with them
JOYFUL, appreciate them
KINDHEARTED, learn from them
LOVABLE, cherish them
MAGICAL, fly with them
NOBLE, esteem them
OPEN MINDED, respect them
PRECIOUS, value them
QUESTIONERS, encourage them
RESOURCEFUL, support them
SPONTANEOUS, enjoy them
TALENTED, believe in them
UNIQUE, affirm them
VULNERABLE, protect them
WHOLE, recognize them
XTRASPECIAL, celebrate them
YEARNING, notice them
ZANY, laugh with them

I hope you enjoyed today's blog. i won't post again until next Saturday but stay tuned.  I have lots of more great ideas to share with you guys that you won't want to miss.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

What Are Little Boys Made Of -- Parts 1 & 2

Today I am going to have fun and like to get dirty pretty much, which in fact, I think I have pretty much avoided Caleb from getting too dirty in the snow, mud, dirt, sand, etc, because frankly I don't want to clean up the mess.  The poem "What are little boys made of?" dates back to the early 19th century.  Let's get this thing started, shall we?

                                                                           Part 1:
                                                        What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dog tails,
That's what little boys are made of. 

Part 2:
A wee bit of dirt
and a devilish grin...
Curious eyes and
Spaghetti sauce

A dollop of mud
behind his right ear,
And a handful
of worms in his
pocket I fear.

You see his knees
through the
holes in his jeans
He likes ice cream
but won't eat his

He's made of
mudpies and
bubble gum kisses
and wonder at
Christmas and
birthday wishes.

And a heap of
giggles and
wiggles and love,
These are the things
little boys are
made of.

I hope you enjoyed my poems for today. See you next week for my next blog.

Day to Day......