1. Wake up and go to bed early.
Top benefits of waking up early:
- More Productivity - getting up early gives you a kick start for the day ahead. He is also more adept in taking better decisions, planning and achieving goals.
- Mental Fitness - one very significant benefit of waking up early is reduced stress level. When you rise early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning.
- Better Sleep Quality - getting up early is not something that should be followed irregularly but it needs to be established as a routine in your life. This translates into better sleep quality as your body's internal clock adapts to your new sleep routine.
- Bigger Scores - a research conducted by Texas University has identified that students who were early risers scored better grades than those who were late to rise. Their GPA's were higher than the latter.
- Brighter World - getting up early instills you with positivity.
Top Benefits of going to bed early:
- Benefits for health - protect the heart, reduce the risk of cancer, energy boost and improve the immune system.
- Physical Benefits - improvement in skin conditions and controlled body weight.
- Mental Benefits - confidence, relieve stress and anxiety, a good memory and happiness.
2. Make your bed every morning.
It may improve your sleep quality. Making your bed each morning could make you more productive.
3. Drink a big glass of water as soon as you wake up.
5 Reasons Water should be your go-to morning drink:
- Increases your energy levels.
- Boosts your metabolism.
- Helps ease aches and pains.
- Clear complexion and more radiant skin.
- Fight off toxins.
4. Workout until you sweat.
The primary benefit of sweating when you work out is that sweating helps cool your body down.
Exercise and high temperatures cause your body to heat up. Your body then responds with sweat.
5. Morning & Evening Meditation.
People use morning meditation for several key reasons: focus, center myself and energize.
Evening meditation is mainly to quiet the mind and reflect, setting you up for a relaxed and thought
free night of sleep.
6. Put on clothes that make you feel good, even if you're at home today.
Cheerful colors can boost your body and energy, while darker colors create a more relaxed and low
stress feel. If you're having a bad day, throw on your brightest color and it can instantly improve
your mental state.
7. Write out your goals to remind yourself what you're working for.
Writing your goals down not only forces you to get a clear on what, exactly, it is that you want to
accomplish, but doing so creates a part in motivating you to complete the tasks necessary for your
8. Make a plan for your day.
If you plan your days the night before you, you'll not only get more done in less time. You'll also
experience more flow. If you give yourself a basic framework for your days, you'll be much more
likely to pack your days with useful work that adds value to your life.
9. Spend an hour on your ONE THING.
Spend the first hour of your day on activities that add meaning to your life. The first hour of your
day can often dictate how your day turns out.
10. Have a green smoothie.
Potential health benefits of Green Smoothies:
- Digestive health. The insoluble fiber in leafy greens helps food to pass through your digestive system, reducing issues like diarrhea, constipation and bloating.
- Bone Strength.
- Immunity Support.
- Lower Risk of a Chronic Disease.
- Lower Cholesterol
11. Do one thing you've been putting off.
Another word for procrastinating. It may be that you either have too many tasks or don't truly acknowledge the differing importance of each task. Time is spent switching constantly from one task to another, or spending too much time deciding what to do.
12. One Hour of Learning: books, podcasts, online courses.
Changing things up to challenge yourself is a great form of experimentation. The more you can
step outside of the box and think creatively the easier it is for your brain to come up with
innovative ideas.
13. Come up with 5 new ideas.
Three simple, regular practices that will help you come up with new ideas.
- Make a date with yourself.
- Read about creative lives.
- Get in touch with your "beginner's mind."
14. Post a thought online - a short blog post, picture or new idea.
People may behave differently online then they do in person - the large audience is invisible, so many
feel protected by their screens. This can be a positive thing, like someone feeling more confident
to open up and be themselves.
15. Go outside for a walk.
Six benefits of walking outdoors everyday:
- Your mood will improve.
- You'll feel more creative.
- You'll lower your risk of lung cancer.
- Your skin will look younger.
- You'll increase your vitamin D levels.
- You'll have more fun.
16. Give a smile or a compliment to a stranger.
Benefits of complimenting a stranger:
- It causes you to break out of your comfort zone.
- It's nice to be nice.
- You start a trickle - down effect.
- It gets easier to make spontaneous decisions.
17. Declutter one item everyday.
Removing an item a day isn't just about getting your messy house under control, it's also a proactive
way to streamline - and maintain - your everyday housekeeping endeavors. Not only will it make
tidying up from time-to-time that much easier, it'll help keep your home consistently neat and clutter
18. Send someone you know a nice message.
Effective communication depends on clarity. If you are all over the map, each person you are trying
to reach will remember something different. At the worst, the audience will reach a conclusion other
than what you intended. Focusing your communication requires the development and consistent use
of key messages.
19. GRATITUDE. Think of 3 things you appreciate in your life.
Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health,
deal with adversity and build strong relationships. People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways.
20. Review the day: what worked and what didn't?
By reviewing your main goals daily, you keep them at the forefront of your mind. This way, you
ensure you direct your time, energy and attention at the most important thing every single day -
making it much easier to say 'no' to other opportunities that could derail your focus.
21. Make a list for tomorrow to clear your mind before you sleep.
It might sound counterintuitive, but researchers report that writing a to-do list just before you hit the
pillow might send you off to sleep more quickly.
Hey all, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am going to post another blog either later today or tomorrow evening. Keep an eye out and always keep an open mind.